(610) 733-1265

Worksheet: Committee Meetings

Worksheet: Committee Meetings As boards move to meeting only four or six times per year, a robust committee structure becomes even more essential. However, an unintended consequence of having strong, robust committees is that they can become so focused on their...

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Driving Value through Strategic Alliances

Driving Value through Strategic Alliances

Driving Value through Strategic Alliances Physician offices, hospitals, and health systems have long been synonymous with “healthcare,” under a system in which payers essentially exchanged payment for services rendered. Driven by our nation’s largest payer, Medicare,...

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Streamlining and Aligning System Governance

Streamlining and Aligning System Governance Significant opportunity remains for system boards to enhance governance effectiveness. Health systems are transforming themselves at lightning speed to achieve the Triple Aim, deliver on their brand promise and manage...

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Board Orientation Manual

Board Orientation Manual: Providing Essential Knowledge and Solutions to Achieve Excellence in Healthcare Governance, Fifth Ed. As a new board member, you are beginning a period of service that brings with it prestige, credibility, influence, and personal...

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Financial Viability: The Challenges of Living in Two Worlds

Financial Viability: The Challenges of Living in Two Worlds “If they just gave us a clear set of rules, we would be able to figure out what to do!” This lament has never been more true for hospital board leaders, executives, and physicians. We often hear that the...

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